7th Period - First Dynasty of Portugal -
House of Burgundy
(12th Century to 14th Century)
12th C. |
-- |
1129 |
Dom Afonso Henriques is declared the Prince of Portugal |
1130 |
Dom Afonso Henriques invades Galicia - to do battle with his mother but she dies first |
1130 |
Don Alfonso VII of Castile also becomes King of León |
1130 |
The Knights "Hospitalier" establish a base in Portugal |
1131 |
The construction of the Monastery of Santa Cruz is commenced |
1131 |
The capital of Portugal is moved from Guimarães to Coimbra |
1132 |
Second invasion into Galicia by Dom Afonso Henriques |
1134 |
Dom Afonso I attempts for the third time to conquer Galicia and builds a castle at Celmes |
1135 |
Construction of the castle at Leiria by Dom Afonso Henriques |
1135 |
Don Alfonso VII of Castile proclaims himself as "Emperor of all Spains" |
1136 |
Battle of Cerneja - Dom Afonso I defeats the army of Galicia |
1137 |
Battle of Cerneja - Dom Afonso Henriques invades Galicia for the fourth time and wins in battle a victory over the local Galician lords |
1137 |
June - Treaty of Tui - Dom Afonso Henriques acknowledges his allegiance to Don Alfonso VII of Castile and León and trades northern land for Tomar and Leiria |
1137 |
Moors attack Leiria and Dom Afonso Henriques fails to conquer Lisbon from Moors |
1138 |
The Moors capture the castle of Leiria |
1138 |
Dom João Peculiar is nominated Bishop of Braga |
1138 |
The Moors are driven out of Leiria |
1139 |
Birth of Dom Fernando Afonso- illegitimate son of Dom Afonso Henriques by Dona Flâmula Gomes of the powerful Galicia family, Peres de Trava |
1139 |
25th July - Battle of Ourique - Dom Afonso Henriques defeats on the Almoravids army led by Ali ibn Yusuf and four other Emirs with their armies from Badajoz, Beja, Évora, Santarém and Seville - Dom Henriques Afonso declares himself King of Portugal and its independence from the Kingdom of León and Castile |
1139 |
1st November - Dom Afonso Henriques (Afonso I), crowned King of Portugal in Bragança (1139 - 1185) - Reign of House of Burgundy |
1140 |
Birth of Dom Fernando Afonso- illegitimate son of Dom Afonso Henriques by Dona Flâmula Gomes |
1140 |
The Knights "Hospitalier" receive lands and privileges from Dom Afonso Henriques |
1140 |
Battle of Penaguda - Dom Afonso I invades Galicia and attacks castle at Torranho |
1140 |
Building is commenced of Cathedral in Coimbra |
1141 |
25th March - Tournament and Armistice of Arcos de Valdevez - Dom Afonso Henriques takes possession of southern Galicia which causes Don Alfonso VII to invade Portugal. After a joust between the Knights the Portuguese win and are granted part of southern Galicia known as Toronho |
1141 |
Moors retake castle at Leiria |
1142 |
Dom Afonso I forces are kept occupied defending against the Moors the line along the River Tejo and down to Lisbon |
1143 |
4th October - Treaty of Zamora - Don Alfonso VII of Castile and León recognises the Kingdom of Portugal and both Kings agree to a peace and settle land claims between the two kingdoms |
1143 |
Afonso I declares his allegiance with a payment of money to Pope Innocent II and places his kingdom under the protection of Saint Peter and the Holy See |
1144 |
The Muridun (Disciples) led by Abul-Qasim Ahmad ibn al-Husayn al-Quasi rebel in the Algarve against power of Seville - Ibn al-Mundhir takes Silves with the support of the Governor of Beja, Sidray ibn Wazir. Ibn al-Mubndhir and Sidray ibn Wazir take Monchique castle - and with only a further 20 men they take by surprise the castle of Mértola - the Taifas of Mértola and Silves return to independence from Seville |
1144 |
The Order of Cistercians is installed at Tarouca |
1145 |
Dom Afonso retakes Leiria |
1145 |
Taifa of Badajoz becomes independent and conquers the Taifa of Mértola - the new General of Mértola establishes an accord of friendship with Afonso I |
1146 |
Egas Moniz dies - Warrior of great esteem and the right-hand man to Dom Alfonso I |
1146 |
Taifa of Mértola in the Alentejo regains its independence from Taifa of Badajoz |
1146 |
Marriage of Dom Afonso I with Dona Mafalda of Savoy |
1146 |
New Berber Dynasty of the Almohades conquers north Africa and invades Iberian Peninsular |
1146 |
The Almohades commence to settle in al-Gharbh al-Andulus (Algarve) |
1147 |
Birth of Dom Henrique Afonso by Dona Mafalda (1147-1155) |
1147 |
March - Dom Afonso Henriques captures Óbidos, Santarém, Tomar and Torres Novas from Moors - fails to march on Lisbon |
1147 |
June - Crusader Fleet on route to the Holy Land arrives in Porto and are convinced by Bishop of Porto to sail onto Lisbon to assist Dom Afonso I to besiege this city |
1147 |
October - The Crusaders (English, Normans, Flemish and German)besieging Lisbon revolt against each other for three days causing problems for Dom Afonso I |
1147 |
25th October - Capture of town of Lisbon - Gilbert appointed Bishop of Lisbon and also taken from Moors are castles of Almada, Palmela and Sintra |
1147 |
Dom Afonso I orders construction of Church and Monastery of São Vicente de Fora |
1148 |
Birth of Dona Urrcca Afonso by Dona Mafalda (1148-1164) |
1150 |
Taifa's of Badajoz, Beja and Évora are taken by Almohades army |
1151 |
Birth of Dona Teresa by Dona Mafalda (1151-1216) |
1151 |
Dom Afonso I fails in his attempt with help from passing English Crusaders to take Alcácer do Sal from the Moors |
1151 |
Taifa of Mértola in the Alentejo is taken by Almohades |
1153 |
Birth of Dona Mafalda by Dona Mafalda (1153-1164) |
1153 |
Dom Afonso I fails again in his attempt to take Alcácer do Sal from Moors - this time with help from passing Flemish Crusaders |
1153 |
Construction begins on Cistercian Monastery of Alcobaça (1178-1223) |
1154 |
11th November - Birth of Dom Martinho (later changed to Sancho), who was to become Sancho (I), by Dona Mafalda (1154-1211) |
1155 |
Taifa of Silves taken by Almohades |
1155 |
Death of Infante Dom Henrique Afonso |
1156 |
Birth of Dom João by Dona Mafalda (1157-1163) |
1157 |
Death of Dom Alfonso VII of Castle, León and Galicia |
1157 |
Failed attempt to take the castle of Alcácer do Sal from the Moors |
1157 |
Birth of Dona Sancha by Dona Mafalda (1157-1167) - which causes the death of Queen Dona Mafalda |
1158 |
Dom Alfonso I succeeds in taking Alcácer do Sal |
1158 |
Death of Dona Mafalda of Savoy in Coimbra |
1159 |
24th June - Dom Afonso I takes from Moors the town of Alcácer do Sal after two months of besiegement without any foreign forces to assist - he continues southwards taking Beja, Évora, Juromenha, Moura and Serpa |
1158 |
Marriage of Dom Sancho to Dona Dulce of Aragon |
1158 |
Spanish Military Orders of Calatrava, Santiago and Alcántara are founded (1158-1170) |
1158 |
28th May - Sahagán Pact - Sons of Don Alfonso VII of Castile, Don Sancho III of Castile and Don Fernando II of León, agree to divide Portugal between them if successfully conquered |
1159 |
Dom Afonso I sends army to do battle with Don Fernando II of León |
1159 |
The Castle of Cera (Tomar) is donated to Knights Templar |
1160 |
January - Dom Afonso I agrees to the marriage of Dona Urraca (eldest daughter of Afonso I), with Don Alfonso (II) of Aragon (cousins) |
1160 |
Marriage of Dona Mafalda (daughter of Dom Afonso I), with Raimundo de Berenguer, the son of the Count of Barcelona |
1160 |
Dom Afonso I and Fernando II of León agree to take joint action against Castile |
1160 |
Dom Afonso I takes possession of Trancoso |
1161 |
The Moroccan Emir Abdul-Mumen lands at Gibraltar with a large army and marches into Portugal taking Alcácer do Sal, Beja, Évora and Palmela having defeated Dom Afonso I in battle |
1162 |
Construction begins of headquarters of Knights Templars in Tomar |
1162 |
Dom Afonso I and his General Geraldo Geraldes (The Fearless), mount a counter campaign over 5 years and capture Trujillo, Cáceres, and Montandez in Spain, and Arranches, Alvito, Barrancos, Crato, Elvas, Juromenha, Monsaraz, Marvão, Moura, Mourão, Serpa and Juromenha in the Alentejo |
1162 |
Fernão Gonçalves retakes Beja in the Alentejo |
1163 |
Almohad Caliph Abd al-Mumin al-Kumi dies and is succeeded by Abu Yagub Yusuf I |
1163 |
Dom Afonso I invades Kingdom of León until the town of Salamanca |
1165 |
Geraldo (The Fearless) takes Évora in the Alentejo |
1165 |
Treaty of Lérez - Marriage of Dom Afonso I's daughter Dona Urraca with Don Ferdinand II of León |
1166 |
Army of Dom Afonso I captures Serpa and Moura in the Alentejo |
1167 |
Army of Dom Afonso I captures Monsaraz in the Alentejo |
1167 |
Dom Afonso invades Galicia and takes town of Tui but returns quickly to Portugal to prepare for battle against Moors - Tui remains in Portuguese hands until 1169 |
1168 |
Geraldo Geraldes (The Fearless) leads army to besiege Moors in Badajoz in Spain - it eventually taken by Geraldo Geraldes in 1169 |
1169 |
Dom Afonso Henriques is badly wounded in battle and captured at Badajoz by forces of Don Fernando II of León who attack from behind - Don Fernando II prefers the support of Dom Afonso I in driving the Moors out of the Peninsular so in return for his release Dom Afonso I trades his conquests in Galicia and several castles captured in the Alentejo, plus Badajoz - Geraldo Geraldes seeks temporary safety in Juromenha |
1169 |
Dom Afonso I appoints his eldest son Dom Fernando Afonso (illegitimate), as his Commander-in-Chief of his army (1169-1172) |
1169 |
Dom Afonso I to secure support from the Knights Templar grants to them one third of all they conquer from the Moors in the Alentejo |
1170 |
15th August - Dom Afonso I makes his son Dom Sancho (I) a Knight in the cathedral in Coimbra and by this act indicated to his court who he wishes to succeed him to the throne of Portugal |
1170 |
Almohades make Seville their capital |
1171 |
The Pope agrees to the annulment of the marriage of Dona Urraca with Don Fernando II |
1171 |
The Almohades attack Santarém |
1172 |
Dom Fernando Afonso is removed from his command and leaves for Castile - eventually appointed the Grand Master of the Order of Hospitalier of São João (later to be renamed as Order of Malta) |
1172 |
The "Order de Santiago da Espada" is introduced into Portugal |
1172 |
August - The Portuguese take Beja in a surprise attack but it is abandoned soon afterwards to the Moors |
1172 |
Year of severe famine throughout Portugal |
1172 |
Almohades capture Seville replacing the now decadent Almoravids |
1173 |
Supposed remains of Saint Vincent moved from Sagres to Lisbon by sea to be placed in the São Vincent de Fora Monastery |
1174 |
Marriage of Dom Sancho (I) to Dona Dulce de Aragon, daughter of Count of Barcelona |
1174 |
Dom Afonso I enters into a 5-year Peace Pact with the Emir of Morocco |
1174 |
Kingdom of Aragon recognise the independence of Portugal |
1174 |
Army of Dom Fernando II of León temporary invades Portugal |
1175 |
Almohades recapture town of Beja in the Alentejo |
1175 |
Death of Dom João Peculiar, Bishop of Beja and a very trusted confidant of Dom Afonso I |
1176 |
Geraldo Geraldes (The Fearless) moves to Seville - he is executed by the Moors in Morocco for being as a Portuguese spy |
1177 |
Marriage of Dona Teresa (daughter of Afonso I), and Count Filipe of Alsace (Count of Flounders) |
1178 |
Dom Sancho as a Prince leads successful Portuguese army incursion into Andalusia but fails to capture Seville |
1178 |
Naval victory is achieved by Dom Fuas Roupinho over Moor fleet |
1179 |
23rd May - Dom Afonso I recognised by Pope Alexander III as the King of the Independent State of Portugal - this provides temporary safety from attack from Castile or León |
1179 |
Don Ferdinand II of León repudiates his wife Dona Urraca (daughter of Don Afonso I) |
1179 |
Moors recapture Abrantes |
1180 |
15th July - Almohades fleet defeated by Portuguese fleet off the Cabo Espichel |
1180 |
Moors recapture Castle of Coruche |
1180 |
Battle of Arganil - Dom Sancho (I) fails in his attempt to acquire by force the area know as Ribacoa in the north-east as part of Portugal |
1181 |
Moors besiege Santarém but fail in their attempt |
1182 |
Portuguese fleet fail in their raid on Ceuta on the northern coast of Africa |
1184 |
Marriage of Dona Teresa (Afonso I favourite daughter), with Count Filipe of Flanders |
1184 |
June - Portuguese army led by Dom Sancho (I) defeats large army of Almohades as they try to besiege Santarém and Yusuf I is killed during the battle |
1184 |
Yusuf I is succeeded by Abu Yusuf al-Mansur |
1185 |
Dom Afonso I dies in Coimbra |
1185 |
6th December - Dom Sancho I (1185 - 1211) |
1185 |
Dom Sancho I commences a plan of populating Portugal by importing Flemings and Burgundians |
1185 |
Initial victories in the Alentejo and the Algarve by Dom Sancho I reversed by Abu Yusuf Al-Mansur from Seville |
1185 |
Birth of Dom Afonso (II) in Coimbra |
1189 |
Army of León invades Celorico da Beira |
1189 |
May - Nordic fleet of Crusaders invade and slaughter
2.500 inhabitants of Alvor in the Algarve |
1189 |
September - Dom Sancho I captures Silves and other main towns in the Algarve from Moors with the assistance of passing Nordic Crusaders |
1190 |
Marriage of Dona Urraca Sanches (daughter of Sancho I), to Fernando II of León - this is annulled through the efforts of Don Alfonso VIII of Castile as the couple were cousins |
1190 |
Moors fail in their attempt to retake Silves but take possession of Alcobaça, Évora, Leiria, Tomar and Torres Novas |
1191 |
June - Moor army recapture main towns in the Algarve and Almada, Alcácer do Sal, Palmela |
1191 |
July - Silves once more is taken by the Moors |
1191 |
Don Alfonso of León marries daughter of Dom Sancho I in Guimarães - this marriage is later not recognised by the Pope |
1194 |
The Kings of León and Castile agree to combine their forces against Portugal |
1195 |
Battle of Alarcos - Don Alfonso VIII of Castile defeated by Almohades at Alarcos, Spain |
1196 |
Don Alfonso II of Aragon attempt to arrange an agreement between Portugal, Castile and Leon with the result that Portugal, Castile and Aragon join forces against León |
1196 |
Combined army from Portugal and Castile occupy Tui and Pontevedra |
1197 |
Don Alfonso VIII of Castile seeks peace with Don Alfonso IX of León |
1198 |
Don Alfonso IX of León invades north-east Portugal and takes some castles |
1198 |
Don Alfonso IX of León encircles Bragança but is forced to retreat by Dom Sancho I |
1199 |
Portugal suffers a period of plaques, famine, and civil unrest as local lords fight each other (1199-1208) |
1199 |
Alvor was captured by passing Crusaders who slew the inhabitants consisting of some 2.500 men, women and children |
1199 |
Silves besiged and taken by Portugues forces with passing Crusaders who then killed all the defending Moors |
1199 |
Sancho I founds the town of Guarda |
1199 |
Abu Yusuf al-Mansur dies and is succeeded by Muhammad al-Nasir |
13th C. |
-- |
1200 |
Pope Innocent III arranges peace between Portugal and León |
1204 |
Geraldo Sem-Pavor leads the army of Dom Alfonso 1 and takes the castle at Évora in the Alentejo from the Moors |
1207 |
Dom Sancho I is excommunicated by Pope Innocent III for his independent attitude towards the Church |
1208 |
Hostility commences between the Church led by the Bishop of Porto and Dom Sancho I |
1208 |
Marriage of Dom Afonso (II) with Dona Urraca of Castile, daughter of Don Alfonso VIII of Castile and Eleanor Plantagenet, and sister of Dona Branca wife of Luís VIII of France |
1209 |
Birth of Dom Sancho (II) in Coimbra |
1210 |
Birth of Dom Afonso (III) in Coimbra |
1211 |
Sancho I dies and leaves in his will considerable wealth to be divided between his family, church and the poor people |
1211 |
27th March - Afonso II (1211 - 1223) |
1211 |
Introduction of new laws in favour of the Church and nobles and discriminating against Moors and Jews |
1211 |
First "Cortes" (form of Parliament composed of nobles and clerics) authorised by the King are held in Coimbra |
1211 |
Dom Afonso II encirlces Montemor-o-Velho |
1211 |
Dom Afonso II grants the town of Avis to its Order |
1212 |
Royal troops sack Montemor-o-Velho and Alenquer as examples to curb wave of rebellion being led by the Church and supported by many nobles |
1212 |
Battle of Novas de Tolosa - Afonso II's army give support to his father-in-law Don Afonso VIII of Castile who gains victory over the Moors |
1212 |
Army of León capture the castles of Valença and Melgaco - this army was to remain in Portuguese territory until 1231 |
1212 |
November - Treaty of Coimbra - Dom Afonso II, plus Don Fernando II of León and Don Alfonso VIII of Castile agree in their common cause to eradicate the Moors from Iberia |
1213 |
Abu Yusuf II becomes Almohades Caliph of Seville |
1216 |
The Order of Franciscans enter Portugal under the patronage of the sisters of Dom Afonso II |
1216 |
Dona Teresa favourite daughter of Dom Afonso I dies in Flanders |
1216 |
Dom Pedro Sanches (half-brother of the King), in an act of rebellion temporary takes possession of parts of Portugal |
1217 |
Dom Afonso II recaptures Alcácer do Sal, Borba, Monforte, Moura and Vila Viçosa |
1219 |
The Archbishop of Braga flees Portugal after his possessions are seized by royal officers |
1220 |
Dom Afonso II initiates "Inquirições Gerais" - initially laws relating to the confiscation by the Crown of unworked lands (mainly from the Church) |
1220 |
Dom Afonso II in conflict with his half-brother Dom Martim Sanches and Bishop of Braga occupy some of their properties in the north but his troops are made to retreat |
1221 |
Dom Sancho (II) presents Óbidos as a wedding present to his new wife |
1221 |
Don Alfonso IX of León with Dona Teresa of Portugal and Dom Martin Sanches (Don Afonso II's half-brother) occupy Chaves but the town is later retaken by Dom Afonso II |
1221 |
Pope Honório III attempts to intervene between Crown and Church in application of "Inquirições Gerais" and ex-communicates Dom Afonso II |
1223 |
25th March - Dom Sancho II (1223 - 1248) |
1223 |
Dom Sancho II negotiates a form of compromise with his Uncles and the Church but Portugal's nobility remains divided between Church and the Crown |
1224 |
Treaty of Sabugal - Agreement between Dom Sancho II and Don Alfonso II of Castile and León to join together if and when their Kingdoms are threatened |
1226 |
The rift between Church and Crown is partially healed by war against Moors but royal troops still raid and occupy monasteries |
1226 |
Combined armies of Dom Sancho II and Don Alfonso IX capture the towns of Cáceres and Badajoz - Dom Sancho II is nearly killed when attacking Elvas |
1226 |
Dom Sancho II captures Elvas from Moors - then taken back by Moors the following year |
1227 |
Dom Afonso (III) son of Afonso II is sent to France and through marriage becomes Count of Burgundy - also to return later and become King of Portugal |
1228 |
At a council held by leaders of the church they call on the Portuguese Barons to stop warring between themselves and attack the Moors |
1229 |
Dom Sancho II recaptures Elvas from Moors |
1230 |
Dom Sancho II meets with Don Fernando III of Castile at Sabugal |
1230 |
Dom Sancho II recaptures Elvas and Juromenha which are abandoned by the Moors |
1230 |
Fighting between Governor of Covilhã and Templar from Castelo Branco |
1230 |
The year marks the collapse of the rule of Almohades of the Al-Andalus region |
1231 |
Dom Sancho II wages war against Abbot of Pombeiro |
1231 |
Dom Sancho II and Don Fernando III meet and confirm their previous agreement to fight together against the Moors |
1232 |
Dom Sancho II captures Beja, Moura and Serpa from Moors |
1234 |
Dom Sancho II retakes Beja from the Moors |
1235 |
Dom Sancho II takes Aljustral from the Moors |
1236 |
Don Fernando III captures Córdoba from the Almohades |
1236 |
Dom Sancho II captures Cacela, Mértola and Tavira from the Moors |
1237 |
The Order of Dominicans enter Portugal under the patronage of the Bishop of Porto |
1237 |
The Nasrid Dynasty is established in Granada |
1238 |
Dom Sancho II retakes Mértola permanently |
1238 |
Dom Sancho II takes Cacela from the Moors |
1238 |
Marriage of Dom Afonso (III) to Dona Matilde of Burgundy |
1239 |
Foundation in Estremoz of the Order of Minor Priests |
1239 |
Dom Sancho II takes Cacela, Tavira and Ayamonte from the Moors |
1239 |
Jerusalem is re-taken from the Christians |
1240 |
Dom Sancho II takes Alvor from the Moors |
1240 |
Dom Sancho II takes Cacela and Ayamonte (Spain) |
1240 |
Marriage of Dom Sancho II with Dona Mécia Lopes |
1241 |
Dom Sancho II takes Alvor |
1242 |
Dom Sancho II takes Paderne and Tavira from the Moors |
1243 |
Portuguese Bishops appeal to Pope Innocent IV to solve the problem of churches being sacked and clergy kidnapped in Portugal |
1245 |
Pope Innocent IV declares Dom Sancho II a heretic and orders his removal in favour of Dom Afonso III - Dom Sancho II is exiled to Toledo |
1245 |
11th June - Dom Afonso III becomes Regent (1245 - 1248) |
1245 |
August - Martin Gil de Soveirosa killed in unsuccessful revolt |
1245 |
Civil War is waged between the supporters of Dom Sancho II and his brother Dom Afonso (III) for the crown of Portugal (1245-1248) - Dom Afonso (III) is strongly supported by the church |
1246 |
Dom Afonso (III) arrives in Lisbon from
France to find support from the Knights of the Order of Santiago awaiting |
1246 |
Church takes as a hostage Dona Mécia Lopes de Haro and holds her prisoner at Ourém |
1247 |
Castilian army take Coimbra in support of
Dom Afonso (III) |
1248 |
Dom Sancho II flees and dies in Toledo in exile |
1248 |
3rd January - Dom Afonso III (1248 - 1279) |
1248 |
Don Fernando III of Castile takes possession of Seville |
1249 |
Army of Dom Afonso III led by Dom Paio Correia (Master of Order of Santiago), takes for the final time the towns of Faro (March), Albufeira (May), Porches (April), and Silves in the Algarve, and adopts the title of "King of Portugal and all Algarve" but his claim is challenged by Castile |
1250 |
Moor general ibn Mahfad seizes Faro in the
name of Don Ferdinand III of Castile |
1251 |
Dom Afonso III gives the town of Albufeira to the Order of Avis |
1251 |
Dom Afonso III takes Arouches and Aracena from the Moors and invades Andalusia |
1252 |
November - Meeting in Badajoz making initial agreement between Dom Afonso III and Don Fernando III of Castile about the limits between the two countries - also, Dona Beatriz was to be given the Algarve as a wedding present upon her marriage to Dom Afonso III |
1252 |
Dom Fernando III of Castile dies and is succeeded by Don Alfonso X - he prepares his army to attack the Algarve to add to his Kingdom |
1253 |
May - Conference of Chaves - making further clauses between Dom Afonso III and Don Alfonso X about the limits between the two countries |
1253 |
Dom Alfonso III introduces the "Lei do Tabelamento" - law controlling the price if basic commodities |
1253 |
Dom Alfonso III introduces the "Lei do Almoçataria" - law controlling the export of basic commodities and minerals |
1253 |
Marriage contract between Dom Afonso III
with Dona Beatriz of Castile (illegitimate daughter of new Castilian King,
Alfonso X) - the Pope excommunicates Dom Afonso III as his first wife Dona Matilde was still living (after her death, this marriage was
later recognised in 1262) - the Pope in 1258 orders that the child Dona
Beatriz is separated from Don Afonso III |
1254 |
"Cortes" held at Leiria include for the first time representatives of towns |
1255 |
Famine sweeps Portugal mainly due to failure of crops |
1255 |
Vila Novo de Gaia is established as a town
to regulate Porto shipping trade which prior to this was in the hands of the
Bishop of Porto |
1255 |
Capital of Portugal moves from Coimbra to Lisbon |
1257 |
January - Don Afonso III assembles his
Barons to invoke new laws to stop them fighting each other |
1258 |
Dom Afonso III reintroduces the laws "Inquirições Gerais" to control the abuse of peasants by knights, landed gentry and clerics |
1261 |
Birth of Dom Dinis in Santarém |
1261 |
"Cortes" of Coimbra where income tax was imposed on all with the exception of clerics, monks and knights |
1262 |
Famine sweeps Portugal mainly due to failure of crops |
1264 |
5th June - Don Alfonso X agreed to relinquished his claim on the Algarve |
1265 |
Dom Afonso III confiscated land from the Church under the system of "Inquirições Gerais" |
1267 |
Treaty of Badajoz - Portugal's claim on the Algarve recognised by Castile and borders between the two countries settled in return for towns of Aronches and Aracena which are granted to Castile |
1268 |
Hostility between Church and Crown forces Bishops of Portugal to flee to Rome for sanctuary from Dom Afonso III |
1272 |
Dom Afonso III captures Faro - last stronghold of Moors in Portugal |
1272 |
Introduction into Portugal of Knights of the Order of Santiago of the Sword |
1273 |
Dom Afonso III attempts to improve relations with the Church and created a Commission of Enquiry |
1276 |
John XXI becomes the first and to this date the only Portuguese Pope (1276-1277) |
1277 |
As a result of a Bull published by Rome the people revolt in Gouveia, Pinhel and Santarém |
1278 |
Dom Afonso III passes the control of Portugal over to his son Dom Dinis |
1279 |
16th February - Dinis (1279 - 1325) |
1281 |
Dom Dinis wages war in the Alentejo against his brother Dom Afonso |
1282 |
Marriage of Dom Dinis to Dona Isabel of Aragon in Trancoso |
1285 |
"Cortes" are held in Lisbon to introduce
new laws forbidding the Church to acquire new property and forcing them to
sell any property acquired during his reign |
1286 |
Dom Dinis supported by Don Sancho IV of Castile besieges his brother Dom Afonso at Arronches - battle is avoided by intervention of Dona Beatriz and Dona Isabel of Portugal and Dona Maria de Castile |
1287 |
Dom Dinis and Don Sancho IV of León and Castile meet in Sabugal to discuss action on rebel nobles within each of their courts. Also, discussion commences of inter-marriage of the offspring of the two royal families |
1288 |
The Order of Santiago make the castle of
Palmela their headquarters |
1288 |
Dom Afonso (IV) the son of Dom Dinis,
rebels and makes a claim to the throne of Portugal from his castle at
Arronches - peace is restored later by negotiations made by his mother, Dona
Isabel |
1289 |
The hostility between the Church and Crown is finally settled |
1290 |
Birth of Dom Afonso (IV) in Lisbon |
1290 |
First Portuguese form of University founded in Lisbon by Dom Dinis |
1291 |
Dom Dinis and Don Sancho IV of Castile meet in Ciudad Rodrigo to agree on action on Moors and their rebel nobles |
1293 |
Due to Don Sancho IV's new agreement with France he changes his plans and starts to have designs on conquering Portugal and the Algarve |
1295 |
Dom Dinis declares war with Castile and involving the castles of Arronches, Marvão and Portalegre |
1295 |
Don Sancho IV of León and Castile occupies Guarda and Pinhel so Dom Dinis occupies Alfaiates, Almeida, Castelo Branco, Castelo Melhor, Castelo Monforte, Rodrigo, Sabugal and Vila Maior |
1296 |
Dom Dinis leads an army into Castile to Valladolid and takes lands around Ribacoa and Simancas |
1296 |
Portuguese fleet engage with Castile fleet near coastal town of Sines |
1297 |
Treaty of Alcañices - Castile recognizes Portugal's sovereignty over the Algarve and defines the borders between the two countries - Portugal held Campo Maior, Lorenço and Ouguela, whilst Castile held Aracena, Arouches, Ferreira, Esporragal, Ferreira and Valencia de Alcántara |
1299 |
Dom Dinis besieges his brother Dom Afonso at Portalegre and again battle is avoided by the three royal ladies as in 1286 at Arronches |
14th C. |
-- |
1300 |
March - Dom Dinis meets with Don Ferdinand of Castile to renew the previous inter-marriage proposal of the two royal families to bring peace |
1302 |
Famine sweeps Portugal mainly due to failure of crops |
1304 |
Marriage of Dona Constança (daughter of Dom Dinis), to Dom Fernando IV of Castile which brings about better relationship between the two countries |
1304 |
Treaty of Torrellas - Dom Dinis acted as arbitrator in the conflicts between Castile and Aragon |
1307 |
Nuno Fernandes Coutinho as the first Portuguese Admiral |
1308 |
First Commercial Treaty of Trade between Portugal and England |
1308 |
Introduction of State Navy to control trade with England |
1308 |
Lisbon University moved to Coimbra |
1309 |
Marriage of Dom Afonso (IV) to Dona Beatriz of Castile |
1312 |
Dissolution of Order of Knights Templar |
1315 |
Request made to Pope John XXII to create the religious and military Order of Christ |
1317 |
State Navy becomes a Military Navy |
1319 |
Tomar, Castro Marim, and other castles, as
possessions of Knights of Order of Christ |
1319 |
Civil War erupts between the future Dom Afonso (Dom Afonso IV) and his father Dom Dinis |
1320 |
Birth of Dom Pedro (I) in Coimbra |
1320 |
Dom Afonso (IV) orders the murder of the Bishop of Estremoz who is a leading supporter of the King, Dom Dinis |
1322 |
Peace is declared with the persuasion of Dona Isabel wife of Dom Dinis and the mother of Dom Afonso (IV) - Dom Afonso is granted castles of Coimbra, Feira, Gaia, Montemor-o-Velho and Porto |
1323 |
Dom Afonso (IV) marches from Santarém on Lisbon to do battle with his father Dom Dinis - Dona Isabel wife of Dom Dinis settles the dispute |
1325 |
7th January - Dom Afonso IV (1325 - 1357) |
1325 |
At "Cortes" held in Évora Dom Afonso IV demands loyalty from his subjects as a result of his family war and sends Dom Afonso (illegitimate son of Dom Dinis), to exile in Spain |
1325 |
Dom Afonso Sancho returns with Spanish army and captures Bragança. His son enters Portugal via the Alentejo and defeats Portuguese army at Ouguela |
1326 |
November - Treaty of Toro - Talks between Portuguese and Castile ambassadors of renewal of combined war against Moors. At the same meeting Don Alfonso XI has his main noble Castilian opponent murdered to secure his throne |
1328 |
Although being direct cousins, Dom Pedro (I) is promised in marriage to Dona Branca of Castile. This is later annulled in 1336 |
1333 |
Famine sweeps Portugal mainly due to failure of crops |
1336 |
Dom Afonso after repeated invasions of Portugal makes peace with his brother Dom Afonso and is reinstated in court with the support of Dona Isabel of Aragon |
1336 |
Marriage by proxy of Dom Pedro (I) to Dona Constança Manuel of Galicia (she being his cousin) - his future true love, Inês de Castro is member of her cortège when she arrives in Portugal four years afterwards |
1336 |
Death of Fearless Dona Isabel of Aragon, wife of Dom Dinis in Estremoz |
1336 |
Dom Afonso IV declares war (1336-1338) on Don Alfonso XI of Castile (his son-in-law), in support of his daughter Dona Maria as Don Alfonso XI had openly taken Leonor da Gusmán as his lover and treats her as his actual queen |
1336 |
Dom Afonso IV commences siege of Badajoz and Dom Pedro of Barcelos makes an unsuccessful invasion of Galicia by sea - in both counts he suffers serious defeats |
1337 |
Commencement of the "100 Year War" in Europe (1337-1453) |
1339 |
Moor army led by Abd al-Malique invades Andalucía from North Africa in a failed attempt to retake Iberian Peninsular |
1340 |
16th April - Combined Christian fleet destroyed by Moor's fleet under the command of Abu Halacane |
1340 |
Don Alfonso XI of Castile and Leonor da Gusmán separate |
1340 |
Dom Afonso IV and Don Afonso XI of Castile meet in Seville and agree to combine armies to fight the Moors |
1340 |
30th October - Battle of Salado - Portugal and Castile make peace and join their armies in North Africa and defeat the Moors in battle |
1341 |
Portugal discover the Canary Islands |
1344 |
Famine sweeps Portugal mainly due to failure of crops (1344-1346) |
1345 |
31st October - Birth of Dom Fernando (I) in Coimbra |
1345 |
Dom Afonso IV appeals to Pope Clement VI for possession of the Canary Islands - this claim is opposed by Castile and was finally resolved later in 1480 |
1348 |
Black Death kills a third of the Portuguese population (1348-1349) |
1349 |
Introduction of compulsory rural labour due to famine caused by Black Death Plaque |
1350 |
Birth of Dona Leonor Teles future wife of Dom Fernando I (1350?-1386) |
1353 |
Dom Pedro claimed to have secretly married Inês de Castro - not accepted by the "Cortes" |
1354 |
Lisbon University transferred back to Lisbon |
1355 |
7th January - Murder of Dona Inês de Castro (lover of Dom Pedro I), by order of the Dom Afonso IV his father as he considered Dona Inês a threat to the line of succession to the Portuguese throne |
1355 |
Peace Treaty of Canavases - an agreement is reached after great hostility between Dom Pedro and his father Dom Afonso IV, this being caused by the assassination of Dona Inês de Castro - her family led an army from Galicia into the north of Portugal and then retired |
1357 |
Birth of Dom João (I) in Lisbon |
1358 |
28th May - Pedro I (1358 - 1367) - Inês is removed from her grave and her mummified body is also publicly crowned as Queen |
1360 |
Birth of Portugal's greatest soldier, Nuno Álvares Pereira (1360-1431) at Sertã |
1361 |
"Cortes" held at Elvas confirm an improvement and alterations in laws by Dom Pedro I to defend his less privileged subjects |
1361 |
Plaque sweep most of Portugal causing many deaths (1361/1364) |
1363 |
Dom João (I) is granted the title of Master of House of Avis - (illegitimate son of Dom Pedro I and Dona Teresa Lourenço) |
1363 |
The alliance between Dom Pedro I of Portugal and Don Pedro I of Castile was so good that Portuguese troops were part of Castle's army in their fight against Aragon and Valencia |
1369 |
"Cortes" in Lisbon censure Dom Pedro I for violating law "Leis de Desamortização" - the non-payment of supplies |
1367 |
19th January - Dom Fernando I (1367 - 1383) - Last of the House of Burgundy |
1369 |
First of three wars with Don Henrique II of Castile by Dom Fernando I as the later claimed an heritage right to the throne of Castile as great- grandson of Sancho IV of Castile - Dom Fernando I is acclaimed by the towns of Ciudad Rodrigo, Tui and Zamora (1369-1370) |
1369 |
Portuguese forces invade Galicia and Spanish forces invade and take Bragança, Braga and Outeiro de Miranda |
1370 |
Portuguese fleet blockade entrance to the River Guadaliquivir cutting sea access to Seville and troops take possession of Ciudad Rodrigo |
1370 |
Creation of National Company of Vessels |
1371 |
Plaque sweep most of Portugal causing many deaths (1371/1374) |
1271 |
John of Gaunt (Duke of Lancaster) marries Dona Constança the daughter of Dom Pedro and assumes title of King of Castile |
1371 |
22nd March - Treaty of Alcoutim - Dom Fernando I following his defeat by Don Henrique II of Castile agrees to marry Dona Leonor of Castile (Dom Fernando I ignores this commitment) |
1371 |
Birth of Dom Afonso illegitimate son of Dom Fernando I and Dona Inês Pires at Bom Jardim outside Lisbon - he was to later to be granted the title of 1st Duque de Bragança (1371?-1461) |
1372 |
Riots caused by unpopular marriage of Dom Fernando I to Dona Leonor Teles (her mother being the illegitimate daughter of Dom Sancho I) - she being married and divorced previously in the same year to João Lourenço da Cunha - many aristocrats fled to support exiled Dom João de Castro in Castile (son of Dom Pedro ! and Dona Inês de Castro) |
1372 |
Don Juan of Castile lays a claim to the throne of Portugal upon the future death of Dom Fernando I should he leave no direct heirs to the throne |
1372 |
23rd February - Don Henrique II blockades the City of Lisbon |
1372 |
10th July - Treaty of Tagilde - John of Gaunt (Duke of Lancaster, England) makes a claim to the throne of Castile being married to Dona Constanza (daughter of Dom Pedro I of Castile and León), and makes an accord with Dom Fernando I of Portugal against Spain and France |
1372 |
September - Don Henrique II invades Portugal starting the War against Portugal, and takes Almeida, Celorico, Guimarães, Linares, Porto and Viseu (1372-1373) |
1373 |
19th March - Peace Treaty of Santarém - Peace agreed between Portugal and Castile and Dona Beatriz and Dona Isabel, daughters of Dom Fernando I are promised in marriage to Don Alfonso and Don Fadrique the illegitimate sons of Henrique II of Castile - Dom Fernando I agrees to defend together with France in the claims of Don Henrique to the throne of Castile |
1373 |
16th June - The Anglo-Portuguese Trade Alliance
signed in London |
1373 |
Due to an increase in taxation, this year marked the beginning of a ten year period that caused the monarchy to end up losing control of its kingdom - in Lisbon he ruled that inhabitants must themselves physically build a wall around the city without receiving any payment |
1375 |
"Lei das Sesmarias" - law created to ensure that all agricultural land was worked |
1376 |
"Cortes" held in Leiria support marriage of Dona Beatriz of Portugal with Don Fradique the son of King of Castile |
1377 |
University moved from Coimbra back to Lisbon |
1379 |
The death of Don Henrique II of Castile restarts hostilities between Castile and Portugal and sacks and burns the town of Braga |
1380 |
Treaty of Estremoz - Dona Beatriz of Portugal is promised in marriage to Edmond of Langley, nephew to the Duke of Lancaster (John of Gaunt of England) |
1380 |
Birth of historian Fernão Lopes (1380-1460) |
1381 |
Plaque sweep most of Portugal causing many deaths (1381/1384) |
1381 |
Third war with Castile commences with the Castile forces under the command of Dom João, son of Dom Pedro I, and a naval blockade of Lisbon is made by a Castile fleet (1381-1382) |
1381 |
6th April - Battle of Atoleiros - Nuno Álvares Pereira leads Portuguese army to victory over smaller Castilian force - a year later he is granted the title of Grand Constable of Portugal |
1381 |
17th July - Battle de Saltes - Portuguese fleet badly beaten by Castile fleet off coast by Huelva in Andalusia |
1381 |
19th June - Arrival in Lisbon of English fleet with 3.000 men commanded by Duke Edmund of Cambridge in support of Dom Fernando I |
1381 |
August - The Portuguese and English army camp at Elvas and prepare for battle - the battle is averted by secret negotiations between Dom Fernando I and Don Juan I of Castile - the English army resent this act and as a result sack many castles and villages in the Alentejo |
1382 |
Portuguese fleet are fitted with cannons |
1382 |
July - Dom Fernando I fearful of the threat to his throne of his brother Dom João has him imprisoned in Évora Castle - he is soon released due to the influence of the Lord Cambridge |
1382 |
July - A Portuguese and Anglo force briefly enters Castile and attacks the small town of Lobón and takes the castle at Cortijo |
1382 |
10th August - Treaty of Elvas - Renewal of Peace Treaty of Santarém and the possibility of annexation of Portugal to Castile due to the promise of marriage of Dona Beatriz of Portugal to his half-brother Don Fernando of Castile |
1383 |
Dona Leonor Teles as Regent (1383 - 1385) - she lives openly with Juan Fernández, Conde de Andeiro, and causing public anger |
1383 |
The Spanish forces invade Portugal and lay siege to Lisbon in support of Dona Leonor Teles but plague forces them to return to Spain |
1383 |
30th April - Treaty of Salvaterra de Magos - Support from Castile to maintain Kingdom of Portugal in return for an alliance against England and now another promise of marriage of Dona Beatriz of Portugal with widower Don Juan I of Castile |
1383 |
10th May - Marriage of Dona Beatriz of Portugal to Don Juan I of Castile in May in Badajoz |
1383 |
Civil war crisis and political anarchy period (1383-1385) |
1383 |
The Conde de Andeiro and Ourém and the lover of Dona Leonor Teles, is murdered in Court by Dom João (I) the Mestre de Avis - There are now three pretenders to the throne of Portugal - Queen Leonor Teles, João (I), Mestre de Avis, and Dom João de Castro in exile |
1383 |
6th December - Civil War breaks out in Lisbon and mobs murder the Bishop of Lisbon who has supported the Castile King for the Portuguese throne - vicious revenge is taken on her supporters of Dona Leonor Teles by the followers of Dom João (I), Mestre de Avis |
1383 |
Dona Leonor Teles flees to Alenquer to avoid mob and then to Santarém |
1383 |
Dom João (I) takes occupation of Lisbon castle - he then sends an Ambassador to England in a failed attempt to obtain their support |
1383 |
Dom João (I), suggests a marriage of convenience with Dona Leonor Teles |
1383 |
December - At the request of Dona Leonor Teles, Don Juan of Castile adds the arms of Portugal to his standard and occupies Guarda |
1384 |
The people of Lisbon create a Revolutionary Government |
1384 |
Dona Leonor Teles abdicated her powers in favour of Don Juan I of Castile which is in direct conflict with the clauses of the Treaty of Salvaterra de Magos (1338) |
1384 |
Don Juan I of Castile occupies Santarém and lays siege to Lisbon - in January 1385 he moves Dona Leonor Teles back to safety in Castile - there is also a rumour that he discovered a plot by Dona Leonor to murder him |
1384 |
8th February - Castile troops occupy outer parts of Lisbon |
1384 |
10th March - Don Juan I of Castile with his main army leave Santarém and lay siege to Lisbon |
1384 |
6th April - Battle of Atoleiros - the Portuguese army loyal to Dom João of Avis and led by Nuno Álvares Pereira heavily defeat the Castile army - Dom Nuno Álvares is later granted the title of "Condestável de Portugal" |
1384 |
May - Lisbon is besieged by land and sea by Castilian forces - Porto sends a small fleet to help Lisbon but is destroyed on August the 27th |
1384 |
Don Juan of Castile retires back to Seville due to shortage of supplies and illness within his army |
1385 |
6th April - "Cortes" held in Coimbra acclaim Dom João, Mestre de Avis, as being the new King of Portugal (the first in the line of the House of Aviz) |
1385 |
Birth of historian Fernão Lopes (1385? - 1460?) |
1385 |
English fleet arrives in Lisbon with volunteer reinforcements |
1385 |
28th May - Battle of Trancoso - Portuguese forces defeat Castile army |
1385 |
August - Dom Juan I of Castile enters Portugal with 30.000 men including many Portuguese sympathisers and captures Coimbra and Leiria |
1385 |
14th August - Battle of Aljubarrota - Dom João with Nuno Álvares Pereira and 16.000 men with support of the English troops heavily defeat the larger Castile army with which are supported also by French troops |
1385 |
October - Battle of Valverde - Nuno Álvares Pereira fights Castile army to the north of Merida in Spanish territory |
-- |
-- |
6th Period |
Second County of Portugal
(11th Century to 12th Century) |
8th Period |
Second Dynasty of Portugal - Avis
(14th Century to 16th Century) |
Return to Index of History Periods |
The above was compiled by Michael Tannock from published information
in the Portuguese language. While every care was taken in obtaining the above
facts some conflicting dates, information and spelling were encountered.
In such cases, our own discretion was used in choosing which facts
to publish. |