Distances between each Tourist Town in Kms.
Distances in Kms.
Costa Prata Accommodation
Costa Prata Guest & Manor Houses
Costa Prata Holiday Apartments
Costa Prata Holiday Resorts
Costa Prata Holiday Rental Agents
Costa Prata Hotels
Costa Prata Hotels & Spa
Costa Prata Inns
Costa Prata Pousadas
Costa Prata Golf Courses
Lisbon Golf Courses
Costa Prata Photos
Moliceiro Boat
· Lagoon Beach
· Dockside in Aveiro
· Fish Pens
· Beach at Dusk
· Net Hauling
Introduction to Costa Prata
This tourist area probably enjoys the longest coastline
of all six area in Portugal. Unfortunately, being more
central and north of Lisbon the beach tourist
season is not as lengthily as that enjoyed further south.
The coastline, with very few exceptions consists of long
sandy beaches that are openly exposed to the winter
ravages of the Atlantic Ocean. There are three towns
that do enjoy some protection and endeavour to maintain
a fishing industry. These are Aveiro,
Figueira da Foz and Nazaré. Inland the economic
situation changes to an agricultural landscape and a
tourists haven with a wide choice of interesting
and historic locations to visit.
The largest city of this area is Coimbra
which is famous as one of the oldest seats of learning
in the world. Founded in 1290 by Dom Diniz I it remains a
respected University for many arts and sciences. Located
within easy distance of the City is the town of
Conímbriga which has the largest remains of a
Roman town to be found in Portugal. The city was captured
from the Moors and later the first King of Portugal,
Afonso Henrigues, integrated it within the County
of Portugal and made it his capital. It is also the
location of the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha. This
was the home of the tragic Queen Inês murdered by
her father-in-law King Dinis I
Moving south there are a number of
interesting towns; Leiria,
Caldas da Rainha,
all of which are attractive from a historic and their
buildings. Leiria has an attractive restored
castle whilst Alcobaça
boasts of an impressive Monastery of Santa Maria
founded in 1153 to celebrate a victory over the Moors
in the Battle of Santarém.
Fátima is a must location
for any devout catholic and a new large impressive
edifice of devotion has recently been opened. Two smaller
locations are also worthy of mention, Batalha
for its admirable and historic abbey which celebrates
the Battle of Aljubarrota in 1385 built by the orders of
Dom João I. This Monastery acts as the resting
place for many past Kings and Queens of Portugal.
There is the town of Tomar
with an impressive castle which was also the home of the
famous Order of the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem.
In 1160 its master, Dom Gualdim Pais order the
impressive castle and temple to be constructed. The
Order was eliminated in 1314 by the French King,
Philip of France IV, but the power of this Order
can still be appreciated by what remains and the
magnificent "Chorola" which is in the
heart of the Temple.
Another location not to be missed is the walled small medieval
town of Óbidos with its
charming picturesque character. The town was once given
by a King of Portugal in 1282 as a wedding present in
order to gain favour with his new wife.
The area economically is mainly reliant on small and
medium size industries. However, not to be overlooked
is the important agriculture industry and the
production of wine. Local wood is the raw material
supporting the production of furniture, building
materials and paper pulp. In the region there is also
non-metal ores such as clay, sand and limestone, all
of which provide for by-product industries.
The main city of this area is Coimbra,
and its strategic midway point on the Lisbon
to Porto road has played an important part in
its past growth. Nowadays, there exists a direct
motorway between these two major cities and combined
with the possibility of a future new international
airport this will have a definite reflection on the
economic development of this area.
An very interesting way to see and feel the true
culture and history of this region is to stay in some
of the various Pousadas,
some of which are steeped in local atmosphere and
with historic architecture of this region. (Visit - Portugal History)
Costa Prata Towns
· Aveiro
· Batalha
· Caldas da Rainha
· Coimbra
· Fátima
· Leiria
· Óbidos
· Tomar
