Algarve - Restaurants in Tavira Area
8800 Tavira
There are several restaurants
in this area and to view the complete list please click on our the
word "List" at the bottom of these listings.
Nora Velha

The cuisine of this restaurant centres on shellfish with other
dishes taking second place. Accepts Credit Cards and closed on
Tuesday during low season. |
Quinta do Morgado - Nora Velha - Tavira |
281 326 363 |
Marisqueira 4 Águas

Like other restaurants in this area the cuisine is based on
the products from the sea. Accepts Credit Cards and closed on
Monday during low season. |
4 Águas - Tavira |
281 325 329 |
Portas do Mar

Another restaurant with a cuisine centred on fish and
shellfish dishes. Attentive and efficient service. Accepts
Credit Cards and closed on Tuesday. |
4 Águas - Tavira |
281 321 255
Click here to see the complete List
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Symbol ratings shown against a restaurant are as follows:
Michelin Star -
Relative Comfort -
Value for Money