Algarve - Restaurants in Olhão Area
8700 Olhão
There are several restaurants
in this area and to view the complete list please click on our the
word "List" at the bottom of these listings.
O Lagar

A popular restaurant for over twenty years for serving its
clients fresh fish and good value regional cuisine. Does not
accept Credit Cards. |
Sítio de Belmonte de Cima - Pechão |
289 714 625 |
O Tamboril

This restaurant enjoys local fame for its fresh fish and
shellfish dishes prepared in the local regional manner.
Accepts Credit Cards and closed on Saturday. |
Avenida 5 de Outubro, 160 - Olhão |
289 714 625
Click here to see the complete List
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Symbol ratings shown against a restaurant are as follows:
Michelin Star -
Relative Comfort -
Value for Money