Ninho do Paúl

Located on the western side of Torres Vedras this modest
restaurant offers regional specialities. Accepts Credit
Cards. |
Avenida da Lapa - Torres Vedras |
261 323 696 |
O Barrete Saloio
A popular rustic restaurant with a long history. It's menu
consists of typical regional dishes. Accepts Credit Cards
and closed Monday night and all Tuesday. |
Rua Luís de Camões, 28 - Bucelos |
219 694 004 |
O Tibério
A small good restaurant specializing in fish
dishes. Closed Mondays and accepts Credit Cards. |
Estrada do Freixal - Bucelas |
219 693 921 |

Overlooking the beach this restaurant specializes in fresh
fish and shell fish. Closed Monday evenings and Tuesdays.
Accepts Credit Cards. |
Estrada EN 247 - Ericeira |
261 860 950 |
O Casarão de Bucelas

A large restaurant designed also to cater for parties.
Closed Thursday and accepts Credit Cards. |
Praça Tomás Jose´Machado, 1 Bucelas |
219 694 511 |