Costa Prata - Restaurants in Leiria Area 2400 Leiria
There are several restaurants
in this area and to view the complete list please click on our the
word "List" at the bottom of these listings.
O Casarão
A rustic décor compliments the cuisine of this restaurant serving
regional dishes at acceptable prices. Accepts Credit Cards and is
closed on Monday.
Cruzamento do Azóia - Leiria
244 871 080
O Manjar do Marquês
Although located on a main road this complex enjoys a good
reputation for its quality Portuguese cuisine. Accepts Credit
Cards and is always open.
Estrada N 1 - Pombal
236 218 195
O Pipo Velho
A family run restaurant with a pleasant rustic décor. The
cuisine takes the form of regional Portuguese. Accepts Credit
Cards and is closed on Sunday evening and Monday.
Rua do Valeverde - Marrazes - Leiria
244 813 814
Tromba Rija
A popular restaurant with locals with a cuisine offering a
menu of regional traditional dishes. Accepts Credit Cards
and closed on Sunday and Monday.
Rua Professor Portelas, 22 - Marrazes - Leiria
244 704 909
The restaurant is located in a farm and has an appropriate
rustic décor. The cuisine is regional and the table service
is attentive. Accepts Credit Cards and is always open.
Ortigosa - Leiria
244 613 438
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